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Residencial Hispaniola

December 31, 2009

José wants to revive carnival in Sosúa

José Osvaldo Rosario, who works at the airport in the Customs department, also makes authentic carnival masks in his spare time. Every village and town in the Dominican Republic has its own characteristic carnival masks that are traditionally worn during the carnival parade.
José Osvaldo Rosario
José Osvaldo Rosario
José lives in La Unión and he says that the origins of the masks worn in Sosúa can be traced back to the Taino Indians, who originally lived in this area and in the caves near Cabarete. He is currently explaining to children at various local schools how these masks are made. In La Unión he's gathered together a group of children who will make a number of masks under his supervision.
But José wants to do more. He wants to revive the carnival tradition in Sosúa, which over the past few years, has fallen by the wayside. To do this, he is approaching chairmen of local organisations, owners of bars/ restaurants/ disco etc. to generate a detailed plan. José plans to organise a carnival parade in Sosúa, starting in the Pedro Clisante and ending at the helicopter field, on Saturday, 6 March 2010.


José is inviting the various national communities (Canadians, Germans, Dutch, Italians, Haitians, Dominicans, Russians, French etc.) to make a carnival float and participate in this parade. He imagines that booths will be set up in the streets, selling various national products, such as Belgian and German beer with braatworst, Dutch cheese, Italian pizza etc.
Of course there will also be a beauty contest to choose a carnival queen and her princesses.
José Osvaldo Rosario will probably be calling on you shortly, but if you'd like to contact this carnival enthusiast yourself, please contact him:
Characteristic carnival masks
Characteristic carnival masks
Tel: 829 881-5155.
His address is:
La Unión, building 62, apartment 301

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