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Residencial Hispaniola

April 14, 2011

Just nice plans and good intentions?

In recent months there are regular meetings in which participants pronounce that Sosúa should improve in every possible way. Sosúa should be a cultural place with many cultural and sporting activities.
Party in the Pedro Clisante
Party in the Pedro Clisante
To achieve this, first all the local ladies that walk the street alone should be immediately arrested by the tourist police and locked up for a night (or more). Further more there haven't been made any concrete plans however. Critics of this policy state that this tough police behaviour scares away the tourists while there is no sign that the new policy is brought into practice. The large-scale meetings continue where there is a lot of talk without any concrete plans. Unfortunately the bar and restaurant owners in Sosúa are completely denied in these meetings. They are hardly consulted in these far-reaching changes for the town. The changes will have a big effect on the bar and restaurant business.


We may not forget that in the recent past the entrepreneurs organized street parties, Octoberfest, Carnival parades, merengue festivals and visual arts exhibition. They were entrepreneurs like Wolfgang Schönner, owner of the restaurant Schnitzel Paradise, Alberto of restaurant Tipico Alberto, Herman of the Bermuda Bar, the owners of the Cubana Bar, Bar Central, Britannia Bar, Jolly Roger and Armando Casciati of Merengue bar who joined hands and organized large-scale festivities. These entrepreneurs have also made suggestions to close Pedro Clisante for traffic and to turn it into a promenade. They have even hired an architect who designed these plans and offered them to the municipal government. A plan for restructuring the Pedro Clisante with Victorian-style lighting, beautiful tiles and large planters.
Party in the Pedro Clisante
Party in the Pedro Clisante
A promenade where in the evening the tables of the restaurants can be put so the tourists can enjoy the Dominican atmosphere. The idea was to have musicians create a romantic atmosphere. A promenade without loud mopeds and the heavy beat of hip hop music coming from cars passing by. But these plans for the construction of a promenade have disappeared.


We as editors have asked at several authorities at the town hall for these plans.
Party in the Pedro Clisante
Party in the Pedro Clisante
But nobody wanted to respond to our questions. These plans have disappeared, untraceable, gone and we did not get the impression that they were happy with our interest. To make Sosúa more attractive for tourism has everyone's approval. But we do believe that the entrepreneurs of our beautiful beach town should be involved. In the recent past they have shown that they are willing to cooperate, but their input should be taken seriously.

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